Have any questions you would like to ask?
Please feel free to do so and I'll try to give you the answers as best as I possibly can. I can be reached by emailing my daughter Leslie at leslie@voicebythesea.com
One of the most frequently asked is, 'What was John Wayne really like?' My answer? '...What you saw, was what you got!'... But I think Katharine Hepburn, in her book 'Me' put it best when she said, ..... 'When you buy a cotton shirt----you want to get a cotton shirt. Not nylon. It stays clean but it makes you sweat. Not drip-dry, which you don't have to press but you should. Just cotton. Good simple long lasting cotton. No synthetics. That's what you get when you get John Wayne. That's what I got. And as you can see----I liked it.' ......
If you enjoy reading, here are a few good suggestions
- Company of Heroes...My Life as as Actor in The John Ford Stock Company by Harry Carey, Jr. For anyone who loves the western genre, this book is a must for your library! You can acquire it from most book stores.
- The Westerners by my friend Courtney Joyner featuring interviews with actors, directors, writers and producers, has been released and is now available through McFarland, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Yahoo Shopper and about ten other sites including international ones. It should now be available on shelves of most book stores or ordered through www.thewesternersbook.com.
- Cowboy Ethics by James P. Owens. A fun read with the theme of 'what Wall Street can learn from the Code of the West' Give it a try.
- When Hollywood Came to Town by James V. D'Arc. My good friend Jim, is the Curator of the extensive Motion Picture Archives at Brigham Young University in Provo. He's spent some 30 years preparing this book, A History of Movie Making in Utah. If you are a fan of the western genre, whether you are from Utah or not, you will certainly enjoy this 304 page book full of pictures and commentary about when 'Hollywood' discovered Utah for it's varied secenic beauty. An enthralling read.
- Glenn Ford: A Life by Peter Ford. Peter is the only child of Glenn Ford and Eleanor Powell, the celebrated MGM dancer of the 30's and 40's. This book is now available so 'google, ' Glenn Ford:A Life- Index' then click on how to purchase this book from Amazon at the bottom of the page. It's a fascinating and well written biography. The Library Journal says, "This biography should rank with Maria Riva's Marlene Dietrich as on of the best examples of family biography and should appeal to film scholars and film fans alike." It's a page turner......
- Andrew V. McLaglen-The Life and Hollywood Career by
Stephen B. Armstrong. "His list of credits, like his height, 6'7", is prodigious!" He directed such hit TV series as Perry Mason, Rawhide, The Lineup and is highly regarded as having directed the most episodes of Gunsmoke (95) as well as Have Gun-Will Travel (116). Twenty three pages of biography with the remainder of the book a chronology of his production/directing experiences through the 1980's.
- Richard Boone-A Knight Without Armor in a Savage Land by David Rothel. Star of Television's , HaveGun-WillTravel, Medic,The Richard Boone Show, Hec Ramsey and over 25 Major Motion Pictures. A very detailed biography with an episode guide to his numerous TV productions and list of his motion picture appearences in chronological order. Check with your local book store for availibility. Empire Publishing,Inc...www.empirepublishinginc.com
- Dictionary of the AMERICAN WEST by Win Blevins. Are you often befuddled by various western expressions and terms? Many people know that buckskins is a word for Davy Crockett's deerskin clothes but don't know it's also a color of a horse! Really a fun and most interesting read...enjoy.
- STUNTMAN! by Hal Needham. Hal was a life long friend and we worked together in numerous films and TV Series. In 2012, he received a Governor's Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for his contributions for stunt work and was cited as "an innovator, mentor and master technician who elevated his craft to an art and made the impossible look easy." Sadly, the legendary stuntman and director died in late October 2013.
- John Wayne-The Life and Legend
- by Scott Eyman

... In the mean time...hang in there...